Good morning people,

Another beautiful summer day… I wanted to introduce you to a very inspirational member of our household. This is Enid, the little palm plant that Sarah bought for her college dorm. We thought for sure that Enid would be dead by now. She had stayed for over three months in Sarah’s empty college dorm without being watered or cared for. When Julia and Sarah finally went over to Ohio to clear the room, Enid looked sad, but she was still breathing. We pepped her up with some water, and over time she shed some of the leaves that had been barely hanging on, but new ones were quickly emerging. It was truly astonishing how this little plant with its tiny supply of soil and no water could have survived, but she did! Plants are different of course; some are hardier than others. And so are people… How are you hanging on during these long months of restrictions and not so good news, the isolation from people, the uncertainties, the lack of “normal” social activities? I will give you the picture that we received from our survey later this week when we also asked that question. If you haven’t done the survey I would appreciate if you did (link below). I am also curious to hear from you how you are coping, now four months into this unusual experience. Please let me know! Are you hanging tough like Enid? Do you feel dried up? Have you found some things that help you cope? Let’s look at all of this as an exercise in resiliency and faith.
I want to thank Tom A. for responding to my hospitality message as part of yesterday’s service. He wrote: “Pastor, You may know this place. It is hidden among low hills/mountains in Lugo Spain. There is no far horizon to see in this place, only hills to be climbed. But it does offer an endless night sky, filled with stars that lift your spirit.
And just as you said, the Benedictine Monks living there offer all who pass a simple bed and a place to eat. Thank you for the lesson today on welcoming strangers. It brought back warm memories and reminded me to welcome all who pass through my life. Tom” No Tom, I haven’t been there. In fact I never crossed the border to Spain. But just looking at this place, I want to go (see attached). I have so much respect for the beauty of those old monasteries and their long tradition as spiritual centers and places of welcome and hospitality. Thank you for sharing, Tom!
I am very much looking forward to our next services. The July 5 service will feature summer themes and 4th of July music. The July 12 service will bring to us voices from our elderly and homebound members, including Ginny B., Herby K. (from New Hampshire), the Kelch’s (from Ohio), and several folks from Brittany Pointe. It is always a wonderful experience and a creative process to make every single service special and unique. For July 19, we invite you to send us pictures of your pets. Please send them to Lisa Miller ( for our Blessing of the Pets service. Next Sunday will be our first outdoor service with social distancing and masks in the parking lot (9:30 a.m.). I hope the weather will cooperate!
Today is the birthday of George L. Happy birthday, George!!!