Weekly Bible Study: Tuesdays, noon
Thrift Shop: Summer Hours Wednesdays 9:3 am to 1 pm
AA Meetings: MTWTF noon; Sat. 1 pm
December 8: Second Sunday of Advent and Family Sunday
December 8: Baptism of Gercino Soares
December 15: Third Sunday of Advent
December 22: Fourth Sunday of Advent
First Holy Communion for Hudson Charles, Aiden Coover and Owen Gaffney
December 24: Christmas Eve Services
4:00 p.m. Lessons and Carols, family oriented
8:00 p.m. Lessons and Carols
December 29: Second Sunday of Christmas, 9:30 a.m.
Looking forward to 2025
January 26: Annual Congregational Meeting
January 31 - February 2: Confirmation Youth Retreat at Bear Creek Camp
March 5: Ash Wednesday and Beginning of Lent
March 9: Interfaith Youth Retreat at Bethlehem Baptist Church, 2-6 p.m.
April 13: Palm Sunday
April 20: Easter
May 18: Confirmation Ceremony
June 22- 29: Mission Trip to North Carolina (Intergenerational)
Summer Art Camps
Week 1: July 28 - August 1
Week 2: August 4-8
Week 3: August 11-15
And other local and international missions!