Weekly Bible Study: Tuesdays, noon
Thrift Shop: Summer Hours Wednesdays 9:3 am to 1 pm
AA Meetings: MTWTF noon; Sat. 1 pm
October 19: Cemetery Fall Clean up Day, 9 am to - noon
October 20: First Holy Communion Class, 8:30 am - 9:30 am
October 20: Adult Forum: God's Ghostwriters
October 22: St.Peter's Readers, The Frozen River, 11:30 am
October 27: Reformation and New Member Sunday
October 27: First Holy Communion Class, 8:30 am - 9:30 am
October 28: Red Cross Blood Drive, 2:00 - 7:00 pm
November 3: Flip the Switch Solar Celebration Party
November 3: Family Sunday
November 3: First Holy Communion Sunday
November 3: Flip the Switch Party
November 10: Thomas Merton - Introduction to his life
November 17: Thomas Merton - American Monk, Contemplative, Catalyst between east and West
November 24: Thomas Merton - Prophet, Activist and Moral Conscience
November 28: Day of Thanksgiving
And other local and international missions!