“St. Peter’s has a very warm and welcoming atmosphere. This makes it so easy to get involved in and feel a part of the various service projects and church activities. I love being able to raise my family in such a compassionate environment.”
~ The Henderson Family


Situated in the center of the picturesque and historic town of North Wales on Church and Main Streets, St. Peter's has always had a community bent. Happily, we are hosting a number of community groups in our facilities. Our Fellowship Hall is used daily by guest groups and ministries. We are a church in and for the community and also globally.

Alcoholics Anonymous

For many decades now we have hosted mid-day meetings of AA groups. Currently groups meet here every day except for Sunday. The Monday through Friday groups meet at 12:00 noon and the larger Saturday group at 1:00 p.m. The groups are organized independently from the church, open for everyone and confidential/anonymous. We support them with our prayers and by providing our space. For more information about AA and their approach to recovery from alcohol addiction, please check out www.aa.org.


Summer Art Camps

Click here for 2023 Summer Camp Information >  For the last few years, we have conducted art camps for K-6th grades in the summer. The camps are run by a local Elementary School art teacher and a North Wales freelance arts illustrator. The camps are always filled to capacity and affordable for families. 

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Global Ministry

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The Global Outreach Team (familiarly known as St. Peter’s Outreach Team, or SPOT), is a young ministry formed in 2015 that takes our prayerful acknowledgment of global issues to the next level. It is easy to look at the magnitude of poverty and suffering, or of wars and natural disasters, and conclude that these are issues for others to address. We recognize that needs come in all sizes and that we can do our part to positively impact the lives of individuals and communities. We can also build bridges of cross-cultural understanding and “Live the Word” through direct interactions with those in need.

SPOT facilitated a mission trip to Maya Mopan, Belize (2017) and the funding of a community farm in Léogâne, Haiti. We sent groups in 2018 and 2019 to Durado, Puerto Rico to assist in hurricane relief efforts.  We are always looking for new ways to help communities, both far and near, that need assistance. 

Through prayer and our Pastor’s guidance, our team of Ambassadors will determine specific social ministry projects to support those in greatest need

Red Cross Blood Drives

About three times a year we host community Red Cross Blood Drives, typically on Monday afternoons and evenings. Dates and times will be posted on our website calendar in advance.

Oktoberfest/Community Day

In 2008 our church started a community Oktoberfest. The event has since evolved into North Wales Community Day, held on the last Saturday of September. The event includes lots of vendors, a free kids zone at Weingartner Park, and lots of music, food, and beverages, including beer. Our church offers traditional German food, beer, and other beverages from 11:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and also has live music throughout that time. It's fun and a way to bring people together.

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