The Global Outreach Team (familiarly known as St. Peter’s Outreach Team, or SPOT), is a young ministry formed in 2015 that takes our prayerful acknowledgement of global issues to the next level. It is easy to look at the magnitude of poverty and suffering, or of wars and natural disasters, and conclude that these are issues for others to address. We recognize that needs come in all sizes, and that we can do our part to positively impact the lives of individuals and communities. We can also build bridges of cross-cultural understanding and “Live the Word” through direct interactions with those in need. Through prayer and our Pastor’s guidance, our team of Ambassadors will determine specific social ministry projects to support those in greatest need.
The value proposition of the SPOT Team is founded upon 1 Peter 4: 10-11
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
St. Peter’s Outreach Team (SPOT) is comprised of Church members who care passionately about utilizing their skills and talents at times and in areas around the world when the need for them arise. We have sponsored a farm in Haiti to help residents of a village become more sustainable by growing their own crops; we went to Belize to build a chicken coop for a village.
Following the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria in 2017, we went to the village of Dorado, Puerto Rico to help in the rebuilding and renewal effort. We created a logo focused on Puerto Rico’s indigenous and famed coqui frog and the theme “Leap Into Faith” or “Saltando a la fe!” See photos from the trip to Puerto Rico.
St. Peter’s Outreach Team (SPOT) is comprised of Church members who care passionately about utilizing their skills and talents at times and in areas around the world when the need for them arise. We have sponsored a farm in Haiti to help residents of a village become more sustainable by growing their own crops; we went to Belize to build a chicken coop for a village; and following the devastating effects of Hurricane Maria in 2017, we went to the village of Dorado, Puerto Rico to help in the rebuilding and renewal effort. We created this logo focused on Puerto Rico’s indigenous and famed coqui frog and the theme “Leap Into Faith” or “Saltando a la fe!”
In May 2018, a team of 14 St. Peter’s members made the trip to Dorado and were blessed to develop what has turned out to be a permanent relationship with members of the Iglesia Evangelica Luterano Ascension Church. Numerous members of that congregation suffered the worst impacts of Hurricane Maria after the winds and rain peeled back roofs, tore open walls, blew out doors and windows and displaced families from their homes. The St. Peter’s family generously came together along with corporate and outside sponsors to raise funds for the effort. At the end of the week, 7 roofs were repaired; 4 new windows and 3 new doors were installed, repairs to 5 ceilings were made and 4 homes were repainted. This effort was a fully funded trip, at no cost to the St. Peter's congregation.
The team stayed at the Campemento Luterano Eduardo Roig facility and dormitories. Also damaged by the Hurricane, we patched and resealed the roofs, fixed leaks, repaired doors and painted the outside of the facilities, as thanks for the opportunity to serve. We were also benefited by a trip to Old San Juan as our hosts insisted on our taking a day of rest and see parts of their culture with them. We will return to Dorado in June 2018 to continue our efforts.
While the intention was to help these resilient people rebuild and move them back into the homes the hurricane made them leave behind for over 8 months – the trip also had a dramatic impact on the members of the SPOT team who were also renewed and transformed. Two members of the team even got engaged during the trip! We went to Dorado as strangers. We left as lifelong friends of the good people we met, helped and who also invited us to their lives at the worst of all possible times, as well as into their Church to worship with them. During the service, they presented us with a cross they had carved from an oak tree that was downed by the storm and which now sits on the altar of our Church in North Wales. It provides yet another permanent connection between our two congregations. Pastor Sharon M. Rios Concepción, Church Council President Freddy Oquendo, Angie Rivera, Jose Montanez, Christopher Concepción, their families and others welcomed and took care of us, filling our hearts with love, friendship and joy. Our lives will be forever changed.
Please join us on our upcoming trips and service projects as we share our gifts and faith with others. Like others on the SPOT Team, you will be changed for good. If you would like to get more information or join us on a trip, please contact Bernie Heinze.