Matthew 22: 37-39

There is no more important teaching in the Bible than this:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”


Our Teachings

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Lutherans believe in the Triune God. God created and loves all creation – the earth and the seas and all of the world’s inhabitants.  We believe that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his death on the cross and his new life, and we trust that God’s Spirit is active in the world.  Martin Luther's main teachings profess that believers do not obtain salvation by any other means but God's grace.

Weekly Inspiration 

Each week Pastor Wagner provides words of inspiration and encouragement.  


The Pastor's sermons are placed on the website each week. Read the current sermon and some recent sermons.


“When I moved to North Wales and was looking for a new church I had planned to attend services at a few churches to see where I felt the most comfortable and called to. After my first visit to St. Peter’s I realized this was where I was meant to be. Pastor Wagner’s sermons are truly helping me to strengthen my faith and I really enjoy the variety of music that is performed during the church services. "

~ Maryann Gerhart-Marcoux