Adult Education Opportunities

St. Peter's strives to provide a variety of opportunities for adults to come together to connect, question, and grow as they begin or continue their own spiritual journey.  Topics may include scripture explorations, current events, and other issues relevant to adults' everyday life.  Sessions may be lead by clergy or laypeople, and often include guest speakers and outside experts.  

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome and encouraged to attend these varied educational sessions.

Adult Forums for February and March 2025

Adult Forums are held on select Sunday mornings after the 10:00 a.m. service (10:45 a.m. – 12:00 noon)

  • February 16 and February 23:  "Meet Evelyn Underhill", Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) was an Anglo-Catholic writer and pacifist known for her numerous works on religion and spiritual practice. Her best known work was "Mysticism", published in 1911.
    • Presenters: Sherri Retif and Stephanie Freidly
  • March 9:  Social Media and Mental Health, will focus on the intersection of faith and mental health and in one case, faith and science.
    • Presenter:  Dr. Julie Lowe
  • March 16:  Johannes Kepler, Portrait of a Lutheran Scientist.  
    • Presenter:  Pastor Andreas Wagner 
  • March 30:  Coping with Dementia.  
    • Presenter:  Becky Anhorn from Meadowood 

Bible Studies

Bible studies are offered via zoom on Tuesdays at noon (12:00 – 1:00 p.m.) We are currently studying the Book of Acts.  For more information, please contact Rob Strauss  at

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